============================================================================ オーディオショウ写真レポート(2004年~2008年) >>>>>こちら<<<<< =======================================================================================
▼2008年速報: 上半期 下半期 ▼2009年速報: 1~3月 4~6月 7~9月 10~12月 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 今年も行った気にさせます!!オーディオショウ写真レポート ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ A&Vフェスタ2009写真レポート >>>>>>こちら ■ 大場商事 第26回試聴会 写真レポート >>>>>>こちら ■ ハイエンドショウトウキョウ 2009スプリング 写真レポート >>>>>>こちら ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
■Stellavox/zephyrn 「OCEAN WAY HR-2大試聴会」写真レポート >>>こちら
■Stellavox、「VIVID audio G2 GIYA
発表試聴会」写真レポート >>>こちら
6/1 [World] GOLDMUNDから「Telos3500」登場!!!!!!
For those who did not buy the Telos 5000 on time, the new Telos 3500 is THE perfect choice
as it inherited most of the Telos 5000 technical qualities and physical attributes. It promises to
be the new Goldmund Superstar Amplifier, but let us tell you why:
The looks:
The Telos 3500 looks just like Telos 5000, but measures only 2/3 of its height (24”). It is
gorgeously crafted in eloxed aluminum and adorned with gold stripes on the sides and the
Goldmund gold plate on the front panel. The purity of its lines only matches that of the
materials used in its making. It is by carefully selecting the best raw materials and by
collaborating with renowned experts in their treatment that Goldmund can fashion the luxurious
and sturdy look that has characterized its products for decades. This is also what makes their
unique durability. The construction of the Telos 3500 also features the most exceptional
mechanical grounding, similar to that of the T5000 with an extreme rigidity and heavy weight
And the brain:
• The Telos 3500 uses the transformers and the capacitors that were specifically developed
for the Telos 5000 (even if in a reduced number) in order to provide the same extreme “Driver
• It has also been designed to allow a DSP board option. First introduced with the Telos 350,
this option promises exciting possibilities to use the T3500 with Proteus in a multi channel
• It has a digital and an analog input with fixed level (switchable to provide the same sensitivity
as the Telos 1000/2500 when set at +9dB position)
• It has a new circuit topology to cancel the ground loops if connected in analog, avoiding the
serious buzz generated by usual unbalanced amplifiers when the star grounding is not properly
• It offers all the safeties of the 2500/1000/600/350 for a foolproof operation
• It uses an Alize 6 D/A circuit in order to have the same latency as the other main amplifiers
in the Goldmund line and be easily mixed with the T1000/T2500/T350 (or even the Telos 600 if
upgraded to the Alize6).
Like for the Telos 350, the power of the Telos 3500 is not announced but you may guess it is
between the Telos 2500 and 5000…As a brainchild of the Telos 5000, it has the capacity to
drive anything existing, in any possible configuration.

5/26 [World] M2Techから注目のリファレンスUSB-DAC「Vaughan」登場。
USB DAC Young 384/32
Allowing analogue to digital converter sampling frequency is not
conventional and the following features:
- Brushed aluminum
- Supports sampling frequencies of 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192,
352.8 *, 384 *
* Only USB interface
- Supports sampling depth of 32-bit on USB and other 24-bit entries
- A digital inputs: USB, toslink, SPDIF RCA & BNC, AES / EBU
- Analog output RCA Single Anded
- External power supplier
- Display a matrix showing the locked entrance to the selected
Vaughan 384/32 USB DAC reference
Analogue to digital converter Rafaranc level, with the following
- Large Brushed aluminum (44 cm by 44 cm high 8 cm)
- Supports sampling frequencies of 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192,
352.8, 384
- Supports sampling depth of 32 bit on USB and other entrances to
the 24-bit
- A digital inputs: USB, toslink, SPDIF RCA & BNC, AES / EBU,
Most of the duplicate entries, including a parallel connection
can achieve high sampling
- Master Clock entry
- Single Anded analog output, and XLR balanced and RCA
- Headphone
- Internal power supplier includes the ability to work with the
battery (including charger)
- Matrix display that shows the selected entry to the locked
frequency, including many options
configuration page
- Digital Volume (option for atonement Champ)
- Eight chip D2A (four channel)
- Flagship product, may be given to less expensive options with
limited functionality.
M2Tech EVO
- High-quality aluminum instead dongle
- No external power source via the USB
- Possibility of an external clock source (master clock)
- W / SPDIF output RCA and BNC configuration
- Port AES / EBU with XLR Konketoar (including possibility to switch
between the pro audio home system)
- Optical toslink port

5/24 [Japan] イギリスのスピーカーメーカー「MORDAUNT-SHORT」国内輸入開始へ!!!


5/21 [World] AUDIAからリファレンスとなる「Strumento」シリーズ登場。
・Strumento Pre
・Strumento Power

5/21 [Japan] カナダのオーディオメーカー「Simaudio」ついに国内輸入開始へ。

5/20 [World] Brinkmannから新製品続々登場。
tonearm $3,990 8月発売
・Pi MC cartridge
・Edison phono stage $12,990 6月発売
・Cartridge & tonearm alignment Protractor $600

9.6 tonearm

Pi MC cartridge

Edison phono stage

Cartridge & tonearm alignment Protractor
5/20 [World] WilsonAudio
「Sophia Series3」をプレスリリース。
5/17 [Japan] ジャズ専門誌「スイングジャーナル」休刊へ。
5/13 [World] GOLDMUNDから、新CDプレーヤー「Eidos36T」登場!!
Based on the mechanical design made by Goldmund for the Eidos Reference Limited Edition,
the Eidos 36T CD player is another example of the Swiss craftsmanship precision and quality. It
integrates the most advanced mechanical stabilization system of the optical pickup and a
complete "Mechanical Grounding" reorganization of the transport mechanism.
Its chassis is a strong, ultra-rigid brass and aluminum cell structure. The front and side panels
of the unit are finished in silver anodized aluminum.
The transport itself is rigidly installed in a heavy metal assembly initially designed for the Eidos
Reference. The loading tray is totally decoupled from the main mechanism structure to avoid
additional resonance. The reading process is further enhanced by a technology developed by
Goldmund called the "Magnetic Damping". Using a magnetic field to damp the reading
mechanism guarantees a much smoother move of the laser focusing device and provides a
much more accurate information retrieval.
The Eidos 36T displays the mastery acquired by Goldmund with its extremely refined
mechanics that has been purposely left more visible than usual in a very 'transparent"
Its power supply uses built-in Goldmund "AC-Curator" circuitry.
The Eidos 36T provides an optimized SPDIF Output to use with the Mimesis 16, 16HD or the
Mimesis 32 or with an external D/A Converter like the Mimesis 20.6 or Mimesis 20.7.
Audio CD 12 and 8 cm size, single-sided.
DVD � Audio
Its power supply uses the built-in Goldmund "AC-Curator" circuitry.
The Eidos 36T provides an optimized SPDIF Output to use with the Mimesis 16, 16HD, with
the Goldmund Mimesis 32, or with an external D/A Converter like the Mimesis 20.6 or Mimesis
Dimensions: 440 W x 360 D x 105 H (mm)
Weight: 14.5 kg

5/13 [World] Hegelから、新パワーアンプ「H30」・プリアンプ「P30」登場!
$15,000 USD. 10月末発売予定。
・1*1400 watts continuous in 8
ohms. (used as stereo its 2*300 watts in 8 ohms).
・Dual transformers for ultra silent run.
・Next Gen technology taken to the extreme.
・Size as the H4A/H10 but more “high end” cabinet parts,
terminals etc.
$7,500 USD. 10月末発売予定。
・First pre-amp with SoundEngine Technology.
・2 balanced inputs.
・IC-controlled volume control.
・Home Theatre input.
5/11 [World] dCS、「dCS
Guide to Computer Audio」をPDFファイルにて公開。
5/7 [World] Lindemannから、新ブックシェルフスピーカー「Dixie」登場。

5/7 [World] Lindemannから、新USB

5/7 [World] CHORD、「Chordette
Gem」は「Chordette Gem2」へ。
5/7 [World] DALIから、「IKON


5/7 [World] TANNOYから、「Kingdom

5/7 [World] CHORDから、Chordetteシリーズ続々登場。
Dual:Semi-integrated 2x30 or 1x50 watt (choice of a button)
Mogul:media server
Gem2: Gem後継モデル


Mogul media server?

Mogul media server?

5/7 [World] TADから、新パワーアンプ「M-2500」「M-4300」登場!!!

5/7 [World] WilsonAudio、「Sophia
Series 3」の写真とDaveWilsonのインタビューを公開。
talk about the new Sophia Series3)

5/4 [World] Musical
Dac」、ClassAヘッドフォンアンプ「M1 HPA」登場。
M1 HPA: ClassA Headphone amplifier

5/4 [World] Sonusfaberから、「TOY」の新色3モデル登場。

5/3 [World] Burmesterから、新TOPラインシリーズのフォノプリアンプ「100」登場。
100 Phono Preamp: $22,995 (2 phono inputs, ADC,
BurLink) 8月発売予定。
*100 Phono Preamp: $16,995 (1 input)
*ADC: $2,995
*Phono input (M/C or M/M and balanced or unbalanced): $4,495
*BurLink: $495
・Part of their Top Line series
・ The 100 is available with one or optionally two balanced inputs that can be configured for
either MM or MC cartridges
・Auto Adjust (Adjust the level of each channel up to 6 dB difference and a precision of
0.2 dB)
・The optional analog to digital converter (ADC) has USB, coax, and optical outputs.
*48 kHz, 96 kHz and 192 kHz (24bit)
・The optional BurLink allows connection, via RS232 and USB, to control systems like
Crestron and AMX.
・The output of the 100 can be sent to a full preamp/amp combo, or sent to the amp or
active (powered) speakers directly.

5/3 [World] Lindemannから、新ブックシェルフスピーカー「Dixie」登場!!
Bookshelf monitor speaker
・Using Accutons’ latest bass-midrange driver
5/3 [World] Lindemannから、新USB
・24/192 USB DAC upsamples to 24 bit/192kHz
・Uses minimum phase filtering with apodizing characteristic
・3 digital inputs and 1 analogue output
5/3 [World] Lindemannから、新プレーヤー「825」登場!!
825 high-definition player upsamples to 384kHz
・Anagram's Q5 upsampling and sonic scrambling architecture
・Latest generation dual differential DACs operated in mono mode
・The output stage runs single stage balanced current amplifiers
・There are 4 inputs and 2 outputs including a slope function for external DSP devices
・USB audio streaming interface for direct playback from PC or Mac.
5/2 [World] Cary
$2,500 5月10日発売開始。
・FLAC storage and playback
・Artist/album/genre/song/album art display
・Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod touch app for remote control
・SHOUTcast Internet Radio support
・24 bit 96 kHz Max playback over USB
・ 1 terabyte of storage (roughly 2800 CD’s)
・Backup to external HD over USB
・ FTP access from computers

5/1 [World] Dynaudio、最後の「Sapphire」をオークションにて販売へ。
Sapphire Blue clear piano
lacquer over a natural veneer of bird's-eye maple
number "No.1,000/1,000")はオークションにて販売。
(Begins Wednesday, May 12, and ends at 2pm MEST on Saturday, May
5/1 [World] WilsonAudioから、「Sophia
Series 3」登場!!!!
MSRP will be $16,700.00 – the same price as the outgoing model. 6月1日登場。


4/20 [World] Soulutionから、新500シリーズの最初のモデルとなるデジタルプレーヤー「540」登場!!
540 Q4/2010発売予定。
Highend 2010にて発表。

4/18 [World] D&Mホールディングス、「Snell
4/18 [World] MonitorAudioから、新スピーカー「Bronze

4/17 [World] German
German Physiks loudspeaker
・ Single carbon fibre DDD driver combined with a downward firing
6-inch woofer in a ported
・Set of custom stands
・ The DDD driver covers the range from 120Hz to 24,000Hz and
crosses to the woofer at 120Hz.

4/15 [World] Bang&Olufsenから、新サブウーハー「BeoLab11」登場。

4/15 [World] Penaudioから、新スピーカー「Sara」登場。

4/15 [World] TANNOYから、新「KINGDOM」登場。
4/15 [World] Cello(MATTHEW

4/2 [World] darTZeelから、新「NHB-108
SCNP networkを搭載。
darTZeel SCNP network:
This device is implemented in the local negative feedback, and
provides much greater DC
output stability versus temperature, without harming the sound, at
the contrary improving the
all global performance (deeper, tighter bass, and even smoother
medium and highs).
4/1 [World] GOLDMUNDから、「Telos3500」登場予定!!!
4/1 [World] GOLDMUNDから、「Metis2」「Metis3」「Metis5」登場。
Preamplifier: Metis2
Power Amplifier: Metis 3
Integrated Amplifier: Metis 5
・The Metis 2 preamplifier provides 5 analog stereo inputs and
ultra-linear volume control with
the same circuitry as the Mimesis 27.5. A balance adjustment is even
provided on the remote.
A set of 2 analog RCA outputs serves as the preamplifier output.
・The Metis 3 Power amplifier is a stereo 2 x 150W Telos circuit
providing exceptional
dynamics to the most phlegmatic speakers. It comes with 2 analog
RCA inputs.
・Metis 5 includes both Metis 2 and Metis 3 circuitry in a
diminutive chassis the size of the
existing Metis 10 and at a very reasonable price for the quality.

4/1 [World] GOLDMUND、「Telos350」を正式発表。
・ The
Telos 350 is built with a new full-aluminum Mechanical Grounding
・ Telos 350 will be much more powerful than a Telos 400 despite
its reasonable price.
・ Telos 350 is the first amplifier that can be mixed with the
existing Telos 2500, Telos 1000
or Telos 600 in a Proteus configuration, providing a substantial
economy on large Proteus
systems such as the Full Goldmund Epilogue.
・ The internal circuit is seriously improved over the previous
Telos and largely inspired by
the recent Telos 5000, Goldmund masterpiece. Using the same
type of capacitors, a
revised input circuit and no less than an Alize 6 D/A circuit,
the only sacrifice on the Telos
350 is the suppression of the analog level control.
・ Telos 350 provides an internal connection for an optional
pluggable DSP board, just like
the U-Telos amplifiers of the Goldmund Media Room.

3/31 [Japan] QRD製品、一部カラーを変更。
QRD BAD・BAD Corner・Digiwave
3/28 [World] CHORD、フラグシッププリアンプ「CPA8000」を正式発表。
The CPA8000 is the ultimate high end reference product and is the perfect partner to the
SPM14000 mono block amplifiers. In the same double height format to match it has all the
features of the already advanced CPA5000 but now includes three pairs of outputs, true dual
mono construction with separate power supplies for each channel, and separate left and right
frequency EQ adjust.
Unbalanced Inputs: Line 5, Line 6, Tape 1, Tape 2. 4 x pairs RCA Phono style, goldplated
with Teflon dielectric insulation.
Balanced Inputs: Line 1 to Line 4. 3-pin female pairs of female Neutrik XLR inputs.
Outputs: 3 x pair of 3-pin male Neutrik XLR output with 3 x pair of goldplated
RCA Phono wired asymmetrically in parallel.
AV Bypass input: 1 x pair female 3-pin Neutrik XLR input
Intermodulation Distortion: -125dB all inputs
Signal to Noise Ratio: -125dB all inputs
Average Noise Floor: -135dB
Frequency Range: 2.5Hz – 200kHz (-3dB)
Nominal Gain: All inputs subject to 6 levels of switchable gain (x0.5, x1, x1.5, x2,
x2.5, x3)
THD: 0.002% 20Hz – 20KHz
Channel Separation: 20 Hz 110dB, 1kHz 105dB, 10kHz 100dB, 20kHz 95dB
Channel Balance: 0.01dB
Input impedance: Unbalanced 50kOhms, Balanced 100kOhms
Output impedance: 100 Ohms short circuit protected
Output Offset: 0mVDC both channels
Max Input Voltage: 17Vrms balanced, 8.5V rms unbalanced
Max Output Voltage: 17V rms balanced, 8.5V rms unbalanced
Volume Performance: 0dB 0.5dB, -20dB 0.2dB, -60dB 0.24dB ( 13 secs for full travel )
VU Meter: Accurate to 0.5dB, 30 steps to VU Specification
DC Ouput triggers: 12V active high x 3
IR Control: 1 x IR remote control socket
Power Consumption: 60W
Operating Voltage: 85 – 270V AC (50-60Hz) auto switching
Dimensions: 420mm (w) x 355mm (d) x 266mm (h)
Weight: 30Kg
メーカーサイト 製品情報(pdf)

3/21 [World] Spendorから、新スピーカー「A9」登場。
・Floorstanding three-way design
・New 5-inch midrange drive unit
・7-inch Kevlar cone bass drivers
・New 1-inch wide-surround tweeter with bi-elliptical acoustic lens
・Sensitivity: 90dB
・impedance: 6 Ohms

3/19 [World] NHTから、4年ぶりとなる新スピーカー「Absolute
$495/each 4月発売予定
・The three-way design
・1-inch aluminum dome tweeter
・5.25-inch polypropylene cone midrange
・Two 5.25-inch polypropylene cone woofers.
・Crosses over: 2.2 kHz,
450 Hz
・Frequency response: 58 Hz to 20 kHz
・Impedance: 8 ohms
・Sensitivity: 86 dB
・36-inchs tall
・Weigh: 35.6 pounds.

3/17 [Japan] B&W、「800
800 Diamond \1,785,000(チェリー/ローズ)/\1,890,000(ブラック)
802 Diamond \1,008,000(チェリー/ローズ)/\1,050,000(ブラック)
803 Diamond \714,000(チェリー/ローズ)/\756,000(ブラック)
804 Diamond \546,000(チェリー/ローズ)/\577,500(ブラック)
805 Diamond \294,000(チェリー/ローズ)/\315,000(ブラック)
HTM2 Diamond \651,000(チェリー/ローズ)/\693,000(ブラック)
HTM4 Diamond \367,500(チェリー/ローズ)/\399,000(ブラック)
3/11 [avcat] avcat注目ブランド紹介2010-1 「nowe

3/10 [World] KEF、「Reference」シリーズに12色のカラーバリエーションを用意

3/10 [Japan] B&W、「800
805 Diamond
チェリーウッド・ローズナット:\294,000(税込/1本) ピアノブラック:\315,000(税込/1本)
3/8 [avcat] Stellavox、「VIVID audio G2 GIYA
3/7 [World] CHORD、フラグシッププリアンプ「CPA8000」を発売へ。
・Front panel control of the normal buts plus separate right and
left channel high and low
(treble and bass) frequency adjustments.



3/5 [Japan] JeffRowland、「Model
3/5 [Japan] Nordost、「Norese
Series Bi-Wire Jumpers」国内登場。

3/5 [Japan] Nordost、新インシュレータ「Sort
SK/AS aircraft grade aluminium post & base w/high-grade steel
ball \8,000/個(税別)
SK/AC aircraft grade aluminium post & base w/ceramic ball \10,000/個(税別)
SK/BC bronze post & base & base w/ceramic ball \16,000/個(税別)
SK/TC titanium post & base & base w/ceramic ball \40,000/個(税別)

3/3 [Japan] Zephyrn、「VIOLA」製品の保証期間を延長。
3/3 [Japan] GOLDMUNDから、「Telos250」「Telos350」国内登場。
Telos250: \1,900,000/pair(税別) 3月中旬発売予定。
Telos350: 今春発売予定。
3/2 [World] Sonusfaberから、Toyの新色モデル登場。200セット限定発売。

3/1 [World] Accustic
Arts、新プリアンプ「TUBE-PREAMP II」 を発売。
・Audiophile reference preamplifier with a so called “tube hybrid”≠ concept and 4 military
tubes (2 tubes per channel)
・Fully balanced circuit design from input to output
・Advantages of this “tube hybrid” technology:
- very high bandwidth
- very low distortion factors and a “good-natured” distortion spectrum
- “analog” and very precise sound performance
- 4 separated amplification paths, which are not influencing each other
・Easy change of tubes without any adjustments just “plug and play”
・Professional Class A output stage using technology derived from studio engineering
・All used components are of outstanding quality (e.g. Burr Brown® OPA 627) and additionally
selected; all relays have high quality gold-plated contacts
・4 high precision military tubes; 4-times selected
・Premium quality rotary switch with gold-plated contacts for input selection
・4-channel volume potentiometer for best crosstalk
・2 magnetically shielded, encapsulated 75 VA toroidal core transformer (“Made in Germany”)
of premium quality for high output reserves
・3 x fully balanced high level inputs (XLR) and 2 x unbalanced high level inputs (RCA)
・2 x fully balanced outputs (XLR) e.g. for Bi-Amping configurations and 1 x unbalanced output
(RCA) e.g for a separate active subwoofer or an unbalanced working power amplifier
・Front panel, top cover and remote control made of massive and solid aluminium; turning
knobs made of massive and chromed brass
・The ACCUSTIC ARTS® TUBE-PREAMP II is “Handmade in Germany”

3/1 [World] Accustic
Arts、新プリメインアンプ「POWER ES」 を発売。
・Audiophile integrated stereo power amplifier with high output performance
・4 selected MOS-FET output transistors of highest quality
・330 VA toroidal core transformer of premium quality for high output reserves; separate
windings for preamp section, for power amp section and for right and left channel
・Very good smoothing thanks to more than 50,000 µF power supply capacity
・High damping factor for perfect speaker control
・Integrated protective circuit switches ascents off when clipping, HF oscillations or too high
DC offset occurs
・Constant low operating temperature due to generously dimensioned heat sink
・4 x unbalanced high level inputs (RCA)
・1 x unbalanced input (RCA) configured as “SURROUND-BYPASS”
・Premium quality relays and premium quality rotary switch with gold-plated silver contacts
for the input selection
・Encapsulated high grade volume potentiometer including remote-control
・Full metal housing for optimum shielding
・Front panel made of brushed aluminium; turning knobs made of massive and chromed brass
・Optional high quality phono stage (MC/MM); RIAA precision: +/- 0,15 dB
・ACCUSTIC ARTS® POWER ES is “Handmade in Germany”

3/1 [Japan] JeffRowland、新プリアンプ「CORUS」国内登場。
3/1 [World] PMC、新スピーカー「Fact3」を発売へ。
£3,995 *スタンド別売 4月発売予定
・Two-way, transmission-line design
Frequency Response:35Hz – 30kHz
Sensitivity:89dB 1w at 1mEffective ATL (Advanced Transmission
Length: 1.7m (5.6ft)
Drive Units:LF: 2 × fact 140mm (5½") precision drivers
HF: 1× fact 19mm (0.75") high-res SONOMEX™ soft dome ferro-fluid cooled
with 34mm wide surround
Crossover Frequency:1.7kHzInput
Connectors:2 pairs 4mm PMC Ag terminals (bi-wire or bi-amp)
Dimensions:Height: 535mm (21")
Width: 155mm (6.1")
Depth: 300mm (11.8") + 10mm (0.39") grille + 23mm (0.9") Ag
Weight:9.5kg (20.9lbs)

2/28 [avcat] Stellavox、「VIVID audio G2 GIYA 発表試聴会」写真レポート<掲載予定>
2/28に音楽の友ホールで行われた「VIVID audio G2 GIYA 発表試聴会」の写真レポートを掲載

2/28 [Japan] 「DEVIALET
DynamicAudio 5555 H.A.L.Ⅰ(7F・川又氏)日本独占販売。
* 詳細な情報等については、H.A.L.Ⅰのメールマガジン(H.A.L.'s
H.A.L Ⅰにて)<<<<

2/26 [avcat] Stellavox/zephyrn 「OCEAN WAY HR-2大試聴会」写真レポート
2/22 [avcat] Stellavox/zephyrn 「OCEAN WAY HR-2大試聴会」写真レポート<掲載予定>
2/22に音楽の友ホールで行われたOCEAN WAY HR-2大試聴会の写真レポートを掲載予定
なお、2/28には同じ場所にて、「VIVID audio G2 GIYA
詳細は こちら>>>>

2/19 [World・Japan] JBLから、「4319」登場。
・5″Al-Mg 合金インバーテッド・ドーム・ミッドレンジ<105H-2>
・1″Al-Mg 合金ドームツイーター<054AlMg-1>

2/18 [World] JeffRowland、「312C」生産完了。
2/10 [World] Focalから、Utopiaシリーズの最新モデル「Stella
Grand UtopiaとMaestro Utopiaの中間モデル。
・IAL2 Beryllium 27mm inverted dome
・Two bass / midrange unit with a 165mm "W" sandwich cone
・Electro-Magnetic 330mm “W” woofer

2/10 [World] CHORDから、Chordetteシリーズヘッドフォンアンプ登場。

2/10 [World] PMC、ULTIMATE
・The ultimate no compromise nearfield ATL™ (Advanced
Transmission Line) monitor.
・ The AML2 includes the outstanding PMC 6.5" flat piston
woofer that is constructed from a
carbon fibre / Nomex™ honeycomb.
・The PMC 34mm, soft dome tweeter complete with acoustic lens
・Ultra low noise 24dB/Oct active crossovers
・Class A/B analogue amplifiers
・ Useable frequency range 33Hz-25 kHz Effective line length 1.7m
5.5ft Drive units LF
165mm carbon fibre &Nomex flat piston HF 34mm PMC soft dome
Crossover frequency 1.4
kHz 24dB/Oct Amplifier power LF 100W RMS HF 80W RMS Dimensions H
400mm 15.75" W
200mm 7.87" D 368mm 12.48" Weight per unit 16kg

2/5 [World] CHORDから、フラグシッププリアンプ 「CPA

2/4 [World] dCS、USB対応
DAC 「Debussy
The Debussy DAC is the future hub of your digital playback system. Debussy combines the
legendary dCS Ring DAC™ and our patent pending (GB0817141.5) asynchronous usb technology
in one box to deliver a DAC that will extract amazing performance from any digital source.
Built to the highest specifications, Debussy features a sleek solid aluminium fascia, high grade
aluminium casing, all metal buttons and is powered by dCS electronics. Whether you use CD or
a computer as your source, Debussy will extract every last bit of detail from your music
collection, bringing a reality to your music that you never heard before.
In common with our flagship Scarlatti, Paganini and Puccini ranges, Debussy uses our
proprietary patented dCS Ring DAC™, which oversamples all incoming data to 5 bits at 2.822
or 3.07 MS/s.
Debussy DAC features standard AES3, Dual AES and SPDIF inputs in addition to the USB2.0
interface. The digital volume control allows direct connection to a power amplifier, thus in most
cases removing the need for a preamplifier. Maximum output can be either
two or six volts to
suit different amp/speaker combinations. Two filters are provided offering listeners the choice
of linear phase with pre-ringing or non-linear phase without pre-ringing.
When connecting a
computer source Debussy DAC operates in “asynchronous” USB mode (NOT to be confused
with asynchronous rate conversion), in which the Debussy DAC synchronises the audio
providing a feedback pipe to the computer. The computer is then effectively locked to the
audio device, which provides a much more accurate clock and much lower jitter.
The PCM inputs on all our DACs are industry standard AES and SPDIF interfaces.
There should be no difficulty using them with other manufacturers’ equipment, provided it
also complies with industry standards. Debussy can be locked to an external word clock signal
generated by a dCS Master Clock and this produces a substantial performance improvement.
Debussy also benefits from our ‘soft’ approach to programmable logic, allowing new software to
be loaded from a dCS update disc or connected computer in order to add new features and
adapt to future changes in digital formats.




2/4 [Japan] VividAudio
「G1 GIYA」3月1日より値上げへ。
標準色 (旧)\6,400,000 /pair(税別) → (新)\6,700,000
特別色 (旧)\6,700,000 /pair(税別) → (新)\7,000,000
2/2 [Japan] darTZeel 「NHB-458」国内登場。
予定定価:\12,000,000 /pair

2/2 [Japan] Vivid
Audio 「G2 GIYA」国内登場。
標準色:\4,600,000 /pair(税別) 特別色:\4,850,000

1/30 [World] GOLDMUNDから「Metis

1/30 [World] GOLDMUNDから「Telos250」登場!!!
The Goldmund Telos 250 is the new mono amplifier of the Goldmund
"High-End" line. The
Telos 250 replaces the Telos 200. It features a new larger chassis with
better Mechanical
Grounding, offers a higher power and uses the new capacitors developed
from the Telos 5000
to considerably improve its �Driver Control�. It includes
a Telos circuit and built in digital input,
a built in D/A Alize 5 converter. The good news is that in spite of all
the improvements made,
the Telos 250 is sold at the same price as the Telos 200, and it is
available immediately.
・Maximum instantaneous power: 200 W RMS on 8 Ohms.
Frequency Response
・+/- 0.1 dB, 0 - 300 kHz, +/- 1 dB, 0 - 1000 kHz. +/- 3 dB, 0 - 3 MHz.
Input Sensitivity
・Nominal level: 1.45 V RMS.
・Voltage Gain: 28.2 (29dB).
・Input impedance > 50 kOhms.
・Figures valid for all levels from 0 to 40 V / 8 Ohms :
・Dynamic: TID < 0.01 % (- 80 dB) unweighted.
・Static: THD < 0.01 % (- 80 dB) unweighted.
Circuit Speed
・Slew rate: > 400 V/us.
・Rise time: < 300 ns.
Operating Temperature
・Room temperature: -30 to +40 degrees Celsius (-22 to +104 degrees Fahrenheit).
・Internal temperature : +45 to +65 degrees Celsius (+113 to +149 degrees Fahrenheit).
Power Supply
・Nominal line voltage: 117, 234 V (selectable internally).
・Input voltage range: +/- 10 %.
・Maximum power consumption: 1000 W.
・Power used in standby: 60 W.
・4 toroidal transformers
・4 separated power supplies rails
Safety Features
・AC voltage fuse: min 16 A slow-blow.
Front Panel Controls
・1 Control key (Muting/Standby and 2 sec tempo for Power on/off).
・Red Led for Over-heating, DC Offset or HF protection and overload.
・Green Led for Power On, operating mode.
・Yellow Led for signal connection and digital Lock.
Rear Panel Connectors And Controls
・Power cord: universal socket 3 lugs.
・Main fuse (16A slow-blow).
・Green-yellow AC earth binding post.
・Output speaker 2 X 5 way binding post, and Goldmund high-speed Speaker Cable coaxial
・Input connector 1 x RCA for analogue unbalanced input, XLR for analogue balanced input,
2 x RCA (input/output) for digital input.
・Switch for analogue / digital input selection.
・Switch for right/left channel selection from Spdif input.
・7-step Input level adjustment acting on all inputs.
Newsletter 製品情報

1/25 [Japan] 今年の「東京インターナショナルオーディオショウ」は11月に開催へ。
1/24 [World] AudioAnalogueから、「CRESCENDO」シリーズ登場。

1/22 [World] JeffRowland、ICEパワー非採用AB級パワーアンプ「925」「625」、プリアンプ「Corus」を発
925 モノラルパワーアンプ $48,000 3月発売。
625 ステレオパワーアンプ $28,000 3月発売。スイッチング電源採用AB級
Corus プリアンプ $10,800 1月末発売。
925 monoblock amplifier
・4 chassis balanced design;
・Class A/B
・Power rating between 450W and 500W per channel;
・Multi-regulated SMPS with PFC rectified front end
625 stereo amp
・Single chassis design
・Class A/B balanced
・Around 350W per channel
・Regulated SMPS with PFC rectified front end
Corus preamplifier
・1 and a half chassis design. *正確性を確認中です。
・ Main chassis contains all audio circuits and controls,
while a separate heavy aluminum
box contains multi regulated AC SMPS with integrated passive
PFC rectification. .
・Power supply is apparently same as in Criterion, but without
・The rest of the circuit is also apparently substantially the
same as that of Criterion.



1/19 [World・Japan] AudioMachina、「PURE
System NK II」一部仕様変更。 高域(ホーン型ツィーター)にアッテネーターを搭載。(+2dB~-2dB(5ポイント))
1/19 [World] Vivid Audioから、「G2
Giya」登場!!! $55,000 *CES2010にて発表済み。
G1 Giyaの小型モデル。G1 Giyaの80%の高さ。
・5-driver/4-way system
・Frequency range: 29Hz to 33kHz
・Sensitivity: 88dB/2.83V.1m

1/19 [Japan] GOLDMUND、「Telos
390.2」国内登場。 \980,000 1月15日発売。
・TELOS 150L 相当のパワーアンプ部を搭載
ステラヴォックス ステラヴォックス製品情報(pdf)

1/18 [World] HEGELから、新世代プリメインアンプ「H70
Digital」登場。 ・The H70 is the first
integrated Hegel amplifier with a fully balanced pre amplifier stage.
・ Regular digital inputs is a new feature on the H70.
There are two digital inputs. One
optical and one coaxial
・The built in USB soundcard also allows you to
easily connect a computer
・H70 is a Hegel Next-Gen product,
meaning we have implemented the new Hegel FET-technology.
・RC3 system remote control unit

1/18 [Japan] Vivid Audio、「G1
Giya」値上げへ。2010年3月を予定。 約1割程度値上げ予定。
1/15 [World] Constellation
Audio、公式サイト始動。注目ブランドです!! 1/9に速報しましたが、公式サイトがアップされました。
Audio Alchemyの創業者Peter Madnick氏が起こしたカリフォルニアの新興ハイエンドブランド。
Altair line stage remote 製品情報
Hercules mono power amplifier 製品情報
Pegasus stereo amplifier 製品情報
Sirius DAC/SACD/CD/DVD player: $50,000 Esoteric VRDS
Neo搭載 製品情報








1/14 [avcat] CES注目ブランド紹介2 「adn

1/14 [World] lindemannから、USB対応新プレーヤー登場!!

1/14 [Japan] レフィーノ&アネーロ、2/20から石丸電気本店6Fへ。閉店セールを実施。 既に速報した通りです。
1/12 [World] Krellから、新プレーヤー「Evolution 525」登場!! Evolution 525t: $10,000 - audio only
Evolution 525v: $12,000 - 1080 DVD video transport
Evolution 525a: $12,000 - High performance CD player with
Krell CAST and balanced
analog outputs
Evolution 525av: $14,000 - Complete package with all
・CD playback includes new 24bit/96KHz Sabre Reference DACs and
differential Krell CAST
・DVD playback includes upconversion to a maximum of 1080p
・Full complement of video controls for both analog and digital
video outputs
・Elegant slot loading mechanism eliminates drawer transforred
vibrational errors

1/12 [World] Krellから、新プレーヤー「S-350a」「S-350av」登場!! S-350a $2,500 CDプレーヤー
S-350av $4,500 DVD/CDプレーヤー
・High performance CD player
・Fully balanced, current-mode gain stage analog outputs.
・TEAC slot load transport mechanism eliminates drawer transforred vibrational errors
・BurrBrown DSD 1793 24bit/192kHz DAC
・Separate analog and digital power supply
・1080p DVD video capability to S-350a

1/11 [World] Jeff Rowlandから、新プリアンプ「CORUS」登場!!!!! $10,000

1/11 [World] Jeff Rowlandから、新パワーアンプ「MODEL 925」・「MODEL 625」登場!!!!! MODEL 925 モノラルパワーアンプ $48,000 Model9後継?
MODEL 625 ステレオパワーアンプ $28,000 Model6後継?
1/9 [World] emmLabsから、プリアンプ「PRE 2」登場 昨年のCESにても出品済み。

1/9 [World] Aesthetixから、同社初のCDプレーヤー「ROMULUS」・DAC「Pandora」登場!! CDプレーヤー ROMULUS $6,000 *10/18付けの記事にて速報済み
DAC Pandora $5,000

1/9 [World] dCS、USB対応DAC「U-DAC」詳細情報。 Debussy DAC features standard AES3, Dual
AES and SPDIF inputs in addition to the USB2.0
The digital volume control allows direct connection to a power
amplifier, thus in most cases
removing the need for a preamplifier.
Maximum output can be either two or six volts to suit different
amp/speaker combinations.
Two filters are provided offering listeners the choice of linear
phase with pre-ringing or
non-linear phase without pre-ringing.
When connecting a computer source Debussy DAC operates in
asynchronous USB mode (NOT
to be confused with asynchronous rate conversion), in which the Debussy
DAC synchronises the
audio by providing a feedback pipe to the computer.
[Digital Inputs]
・USB interface on a B-type connector will accept up to 24 bit PCM at
32, 44.1, 48, 88.2 or
96kS/s. Operates in asynchronous mode.
・2x AES/EBU on 3-pin female XLR connectors. Each will accept up to 24
bit PCM at 32, 44.1,
48, 88.2 & 96kS/s. OR as a Dual AES pair at 88.2, 96, 176.4
& 192kS/s.
・2x SPDIF on 1x RCA Phono and 1x BNC connectors. Each will accept PCM
at 32, 44.1, 48,
88.2 or 96kS/s up to 24 bits.
[Local Control]
IR (RC5) or RS232. A dCS Premium remote control is available as an
optional extra.
USB Mode Volume Control Debussy volume can be controlled by
either Vol +/- buttons or
the volume control on the computer used as a source.
Media Player Transport Controls Debussy implements a USB HID
interface. This means that
not only can the user change the Debussy volume via the attached
computer, but Debussy can
also perform functions such as Play/ Pause/Media Next/Media Prev/Media
1/9 [avcat] CES注目ブランド紹介1 「constellation
audio」 注目です!!!
公式サイト:http://www.constellationaudio.com *1/9現在未製作?のようです。
・Hercules mono poweramp: 1.1kw
・Sirius CD: Esoteric VRDS Neoメカ搭載!
その他 Capella・Orion・Pegasus


1/9 [World] PassLabsから、電源部別個体新パワーアンプ登場?
1/9 [World] ONKYO、HDMI1.4搭載3D対応新AVアンプを数ヶ月以内に発売予定。世界初?
through 3D video from new Blu-ray players to 3D-ready TVs.
1/8 [World] WilsonAudio、CES2010のブースの様子を公式サイト上でVideo公開。
会場でのセッティングの様子などが紹介されています。 http://www.wilsonaudio.com/company_html/events_ces2010.html
1/8 [World] dCS、USB対応DAC「U-DAC」詳細写真。 12/3, 1/7に速報したとおりです。



1/8 [World] Vitus
Audioから、「Masterpiece」シリーズ登場!! ・Masterpiece Series MP-P201 phono stage
with RCA and XLR i/o ports.
$60.000 *1/3速報済み
・Masterpiece Series CD Player
・Masterpiece Series Preamp

MP-P201 フォノステージ

MP-P201 パワーサプライ
1/8 [World] Wadiaから、「S7i」CD/DATAプレーヤー(トランスポート)登場!!!!<写真追加>

1/8 [World] Thielから、新スピーカー「SCS4T」登場。
Thiel’s aluminum 6.5” coaxial driver

1/8 [World] Wadiaから、新「171iTransport」登場!!!<修正>
1/8 [World] Ayre、Blu-rayプレーヤー「DX-5」を発売。価格を発表。 既にインターナショナルオーディオショウにて発表済みです。
$10,000 2010年2月上旬発売。
BDP-83からOppo driveとMPEG

DX-5内部写真[拡大写真] [Oppo製BDP-83の内部]
1/8 [World] Dartzeel、新モノラルパワーアンプ「NHB-458」を発売へ。価格を発表。 既に速報済みです。

1/8 [World] Boulder、CDプレーヤー「1021」をアップデート。 $24,000
1/8 [World] JosephAudioから、「Pearl II」登場!! $28,500
1/7 [World] dCSから、USB対応DAC「U-DAC」登場!! 12/3に速報したとおりです。*製品の想像図と異なりまして申し訳ありませんでした。
AES3, AES, SPDIF, USB, external word clock

1/7 [World] Naimから、「UnitiQute」登場 $3,000 (£1,350)
UPnP™-enabled for playback of network-stored audio / internet broadcasts from PC,
Mac or NAS drives
Front-panel USB for iPod/MP3 player and USB memory stick playback
Multi-format radio (FM/DAB*/Internet)
Apple authenticated enabling digital output from iPod for ultimate quality
iPod control, charging and front-panel content display when connected to front-panel USB
port via standard iPod cable
3.5mm front panel input that supports both analogue and digital sources
Two analogue inputs (3.5mm front-panel socket and RCA)
Onboard DAC with five 24bit / 192kHz capable S/PDIF inputs for external digital sources
Preamplifier and 45W per channel into 4Ω, 30W per channel into 8Ω power amplifier
Ethernet and Wi-Fi network connectivity
Plays WAV, MP3, Windows Media–formatted content, AAC and FLAC from any suitable
UPnP™ device together with WAV, AAC, MP3 and Apple Lossless (from an iPod)
Switchable bass contour control for low-volume listening
Bass management system for use with subwoofer-satellite loudspeaker systems
Digital output on 75Ω BNC connector (RCA adapter supplied)
Front-panel display with intuitive interface, remote-controlled
Front-panel 3.5mm headphone output
Front panel logo touch-sensitive mute function
Full vTuner 5* internet radio service
Linear Power supply with 200VA toroidal transformer with three separate windings
Separate power supplies for digital, analogue, and power amplifier
Ground selector switch for optimum performance
High quality Wolfson DAC
Naim compact, non-resonant, non-magnetic case
OLED display for high contrast and easy visibility
British design and build

1/7 [World] Wadiaから、新「171iTransport」登場!!! The new 171iTransport is the industry’s first
certified “Works with iPhone” dock to offer pure, bit-perfect digital
output, allowing the revered smartphone to perform as a high-end
media server. Better performance has been achieved thanks to improved
power supply components and a step-up in the audiophile grade
connectors used. A new feature-rich infrared remote control allows
convenient navigation through Playlists and Albums. “Our new
171iTransport does the neat trick of turning both the iPhone and
the iPod into the ultimate media server.”says John Schaffer,
President, Wadia Digital.

1/7 [World] Wadiaから、「S7i」CD/DATAプレーヤー(トランスポート)登場!!!! The
new S7i CD Player uses a high performance CD/Data transport featuring an
extended memory buffer with integrated ClockLink™ jitter reduction
technology and separate inductor filtered power supplies for digital
and analog audio circuits. The S7i CD Player incorporates Wadia’s
latest digital technologies SwiftCurrent™ 3 Discreet (SC-3D)
current-to-voltage conversion and DigiMaster™ 2.5 Up-sampling
algorithm. The Digital Preamp/DAC, with four user selectable inputs
and outputs including USB, is driven by Direct-Connect™ with
digital volume control.
1/7 [World] Krell、「Evolution」シリーズのパワーアンプをアップデート「Evolution e
Series」へ。 グリーンモードを搭載。 Evolution 400e $23,000/pr Evolution 600e -
$37,000/pr Evolution 900e - $50,000/pr Evolution 302e -
$12,500 Evolution 402e - $18,500 Evolution 403e -
$25,000 2010年3月発売開始。 Krell Industries has just announced a
substantial upgrade to the Evolution lineup of amplifiers. The new
enhanced, Evolution e Series, delivers greater fidelity while at the
same time reducing its carbon footprint. ・Redefined Power
Supply An intense upgrade to the power supply includes a new
separate toroidal transformer for the digital control circuitry,
improved EMI suppression of high frequency artifacts, and
a substantial increase in capacitive power supply reserve. A
new green mode reduces the standby power draw dramatically. As
an example, the Evolution 402e power draw drops from 370W to
2W – a reduction of 99.5%. The new standby mode is user selectable and
turns off all non
critical circuitry. The power indicator ring glows green in the new mode.
The standard standby mode, which keeps all but the output
stages active, is still available and indicated by a red ring on the
power indicator. ・Sound Enhancements The audio circuitry has
also received enhancements in the new Evolution e Series.
Building on the unique Active Cascode Topology foundation of
the Evolution Series, the e Series amplifiers feature more
precisely balanced current sharing among the seven sets of
Active Cascode Quartets that make up the output stage. This
greater precision elevates an already impressive performance
envelope and provides greater amplifier reliability. A new
feedback implementation delivers improved dynamic

1/7 [World] B&W、800 Series
Diamondの詳細写真を公開。 http://bwgroup.keycast.com/default.aspx?websiteid=9&infid=4604

1/7 [World] B&W、オフィシャルサイトにて800 Series
Diamondのプロモーションビデオを公開。 http://www.bowers-wilkins.co.uk/display.aspx?infid=4693
1/7 [World] Snell Acoustics、新センタースピーカー「Phantom
Center」を発表。 $7,500 2010年3月発売予定。
1/7 [World] Krell、初のBlu-rayプレーヤー「Evolution
555」を発表!! $15,000 ・Profile 2.0 Ready(BD
Live) Blu-ray/DVD player with 1GB of onboard memory. ・SD card
slot for expanded memory. ・12-bit Sigma Design VXP
technology ・ Aspect ratio control that features a vertical stretch
option for systems using 2:35:1 Contrast Image Height display
systems ・Onboard Ethernet port and slot for wireless cards/ Internet
connectivity (Firmware updates, BD Live interactivity and IP
control) ・Dual HDMI outputs are included with the option of full
audio and video output to two systems. ・ Evolution 555 is HDMI 1.3
compliant, it comes ready for upgrading to HDMI 1.4 with
full support for 3D.
1/7 [World] B&W 800 Diamondシリーズの価格を発表。 800 Diamond € 22.000,- (pro Paar) 802
Diamond € 14.000,- (pro Paar) 803 Diamond
€ 9.000,- (pro Paar) 804 Diamond
€ 7.000,- (pro Paar) 805
Diamond € 4.500,- (pro Paar) HTM 2
Diamond € 4.700,- (pro Stk.) HTM 4 Diamond € 2.350,- (pro
Stk.) DB 1 Subwoofer €
4.250,- (pro Stk.)
1/7 [World] B&W 800
Diamondシリーズ 国内もプレスリリース!! pdfファイル http://bwspeakers.mzcm.jp/news/document/800diamond_release.pdf
800シリーズDiamondのラインナップ 2010年4月以降発売 800
Diamond 802 Diamond 803 Diamond 804
Diamond 805 Diamond HTM2 Diamond HTM4
Diamond フィニッシュ ローズナット、チェリー、プレミアム・ピアノ・ブラック・フィニッシュ *新ラインナップからは、801D,803S,HTM3S,DS8,SCMSが削除 希望小売価格 未定 ・7モデルすべてのスピーカーにダイアモンド・ドーム・トゥイーターを搭載 ・ダイヤモンド・ドーム・トゥイーターはクワッド・マグネット設計 ・サラウンド・エッジの新たな材質によりディスパージョン特性を補強。 ・バスドライバーに強力なネオジウム磁石を利用した新しいデュアル・マグネット・モーター・ システムの導入。 ・B&W新設計無酸素銅スピーカー・ターミナル ・全モデルのクロスオーバーに、独ムンドルフ社製の銀、金、オイルの独自構造を使用した 新設計のコンデンサーを使用。 ・800シリーズDiamondは、すべて英国ウェスト・サセックス州ワージングにあるBowers
Wilkins のキャビネット用新工場で製造。 ・仕上げは、ローズナット、チェリーウッド、プレミアム・ピアノ・ブラック・フィニッシュの3つ。
1/7 [World] dCSから、新DAC「U-DAC」登場。 *12/3付けにて速報した製品だと思われます。
1/7 [World] B&W、「800 Diamond」を正式発表!!!!!!
1/6 [World] B&W、800
1/6 [Japan] ハーマンインターナショナル、JBL製品を値下げへ。2010年2月1日より。 DD66000
\3.300,000(\3.465,000) → \3.100,000(\3.255,000)
\3.300,000(\3.465,000) → \3.100,000(\3.255,000) CH/チェリー
\3.000,000(\3.150,000) → \2.800,000(\2.940,000) RW/ローズウッド
\3.000,000(\3.150,000) → \2.800,000(\2.940,000) S9900
\2.000,000(\2.100,000) → \1.850,000(\1.942,500) S4600
\460,000(\483,000) → \430,000(\451,500) メーカーサイト
1/4 [World] Thielから、新サブウーハー「USS(Universal
SmartSub)」登場。 $1,990 10-inch aluminum
woofer 500-Watt analog amplifier Finishes: Natural Cherry,
Black Ash and Dark Cherry.
1/4 [World] MonitorAudioから、「Apex」シリーズスピーカー登場。 2010年1月発売予定。 A10 $450 each A40 $800
each AW12 $1,700 each A10 Stands $450
pair *価格はUSリテール。 Apex is a ‘flagship’ range of versatile compact
speakers which addresses the market beyond the company’s Radius
HD range A10 The A10 is an ultra-compact stand
or wall-mounting satellite designed for use as an audiophile
mini-monitor, or with the A40 and the AW-12 subwoofer in a high
quality multi-channel sound system. The die-cast metal wall
bracket supplied with the A10 provides for easy, unobtrusive
installation on a wall, ceiling or table top. The adjustment of a
single screw provides for the full pivoting of the bracket through 30
degrees in all directions, allowing the speaker to be directed
precisely and with ease. Features • Die-cast aluminum cabinet and
baffle. • 1 x 5 1/2” (140mm) C-CAM bass/mid-range driver with RST
profile cone technology. • 1” (25mm) C-CAM gold dome tweeter. •
Die-cast aluminum terminal panel. • Fine perforated aluminum grille,
with rotating logo badge for portrait or landscape orientation. •
Magnetically shielded. • High gloss piano lacquer finishes in black
metallic and pearl white metallic. A10 Stand The stylish
A10 stand is pre-wired with our own Silver Pureflow cable for convenience
and to avoid unsightly hanging wires. An innovative mounting
arrangement means that the A10 is automatically connected to
the system as it slides onto the stand. A40 The slender
Apex A40 is intended to be used vertically or horizontally as a main
speaker or to perform centre channel duties in a multichannel
audio/video system. Due to their very shallow 4 1/8” (105mm)
depth, it is ideal for use with flat panel displays. With a clear
and even response down to 55Hz, it can deliver excellent hi-fi sound
in a style-oriented two-channel system, or when combined with the
AW-12 active subwoofer, stunning multi-channel sound defined by
low distortion, tonal accuracy, pin-point imaging and
dynamic response. The A40 uses the 1” (25mm) gold dome C-CAM
tweeter found on the A10, flanked by dual 5 ¼” (140mm) C-CAM bass/mid
drivers. The A40 bracket is designed to provide the maximum
flexibility when positioned next to thin displays. The shallow-profile
bracket supplied holds the A40 almost flush with the wall, but
allows the speaker to be tilted toward the listening area and
also forward or back to align the speaker front with that of the
screen. Features • Die-cast aluminum cabinet and baffle. • 1
x 1” (25mm) C-CAM® gold dome tweeter. • 2 x 5 ¼” (140mm) C-CAM
bass/mid-range drivers with RST® profile cone technology. • Solid
metal alloy wall bracket with slot fixing. • Recessed terminal
housing made from die-cast aluminum. • Perforated aluminum grille,
with rotating logo badge. • Magnetically shielded. • High gloss
piano lacquer finishes in black metallic and pearl white
metallic. AW-12 Subwoofer The AW-12 active subwoofer is
completely new from the ground up. Every component has been
designed specifically for the AW-12, including the massively engineered
front-firing 12” C-CAM driver and 500 watt Class D amplifier.
The amplifier and complementary high efficiency switch mode
power supply are able to deliver full power with a continuous rating,
equal to most other subwoofers rated at 1000 watts. This means
the AW-12 is able to provide high output with low distortion
for continuous periods without fatigue or overheating. Finished in the
Apex l lacquers and complete with aluminum side trims, the AW-12’s
sealed cabinet is easy to position. The top mounted controls for
volume and EQ settings makes for easy set-up and adjustment.
The 12V trigger input allows for auto-on when using a compatible A/V
receiver or processor. A new adjustable foot design has the floor
spike permanently fitted with a removable heavy duty rubber
cover for solid or hard wood flooring. Balancing beautifully
the Apex virtues of convenience and design, refinement and
power, the AW-12 offers superior subwoofer
engineering. Features • Compact design with complementary styling
cues. • 1.18” (30mm) thick MDF construction. • Extensive
internal bracing. • Front firing driver and sealed cabinet
construction. • 12” long throw bass driver with C-CAM cone. •
500W Class D amplifier. Continuous rating. • High efficiency Switch
mode PSU. • Dynamic power limiter. • Top mounted control panel
for volume and pre-set EQ features. • OFF/ ON / AUTO power
switch • 12V trigger switching input
1/4 [World] Furutechから「24/96 60w Pure Digital
Amplifier」登場。 GT40 USB
DAC/Phono Stageとの接続を想定したデジタルアンプ。 Technical
Specifications ・Amplifier: All-digital Class-D ・Power:
Soft-start circuit, single-supply ・Power Mode: Standby and Power On,
main power switch for shut down ・Input Select: USB / Coaxial /
Optical / AES-EBU / Line in ・Power Output: 44W (0.3%THD) at 8ohms,
60W (0.3%THD) at 4ohms ・Circuit Protection: Output short / over
current / over and under voltage / temperature ・Parts: High-quality
WIMA capacitors and inductors ・Anti-Jitter: Fi-Reclock®
technology ・Frequency Control: Adjustable from 44.1kHz to
192kHz ・Bit Length Control: Adjustable 16-bit or 24-bit data
length ・Loudness Control: Provides powerful sound when listening at
low levels ・ USB Support Formats: 16-bit, 32 / 44.1kHz / 48kHz /
96kHz 24-bit, 44.1kHz / 48kHz / 96kHz ・SPDIF / AES-EBU
Support Format: 24-bit, 96kHz (MAX) ・Power Amp: TI -
TAS5706 ・Processing Chip: TI – TAS5504A ・ADC Chip: TI –
PCM1803A ・USB Chip: Tenor – TE7022 ・SRC Chip: TI –
SRC4193 ・Receiver: TI - DIR9001 Connectivity ・USB
interface (USB 1.1) ・Digital Input: 1 coaxial jack / 1 optical jack
/ 1 XLR jack ・Line Input: 1 pair RCAs ・Speaker Output: 2 pairs
of binding posts System Requirements Can be used with any
component with line-out or pre-out ・Intel® Pentium® 2, Celeron®
800MHz or higher computer system ・Microsoft® Windows 2000® (Service
Pack 4) or Windows® XP (Service Pack 1) ・128MB RAM ・Available
USB port
1/4 [World] Furutechから「GT40 24bit/96kHz USB DAC with Phono
1/4 [World] Furutechから「Flux-50 Inline AC Power
Filter」登場。 Features ・ Connect between power cables and
power distributors or power cables and components. Eliminates and
prevents radiated AC noise ・ Top-of-the-line Piezo Ceramic
rhodium-plated α (Alpha) nonmagnetic FI-50R connector ・ AC-1501R
EMI-filtering IEC, rhodium-plated α (Alpha) nonmagnetic copper
alloy conductors ・ AC-1501R EMI filter features a parallel
circuit with in-line coil and condenser reduces noise at 1MHz by
10dB and at 10MHz by more than 30dB ・ Floating Field Damper
(Earth/Ground Jumper System) US Patent No.:
6,669,491 ・ Patent-pending metal cable clamp improves grip and
reduces mechanically and electrically induced
distortion ・ α (Alpha) conductor shield for protection against
radiated noise ・ RoHS-compliant flexible PVC sheath improves
vibration isolation ・ Special high-grade PE Insulation contributes
to reduced capacitance ・ Incorporating Furutech’s special passive
GC-303 EMI filtering material ・ Filter held in housing with
resonance-damping Piezo epoxy
 AC-1501R EMI-filtering IEC
1/4 [World] Wadiaから限定モデルとなるCDプレーヤー/DAC登場! CES2010にてワールドプレミア。
1/4 [World] Wadiaから「171i Transport digital player
dock」のアップデートモデル登場!! CES2010にてワールドプレミア。
1/4 [World] Krellから、初のBlu-rayプレーヤー「Evolution
555」登場!! CES2010にてワールドプレミア。
1/3 [World] Vitus
Audioから、新フォノステージ「MP-P201」登場。 $60.000 Masterpiece Series MP-P201 phono stage
with RCA and XLR i/o ports.
1/2 [World] Yamaha、USAにてAVアンプ「RX-Z11」の定価を$5,499から$2,499へ大幅値下げ。 新製品登場か?
1/2 [World] EgglestonWorksから、「Savoy
Signature」登場。 $52,000 The Savoy
Signature will feature aluminum side plates, aluminum baffle plates, new
carbon fiber midrange drivers and the highest quality
automotive-grade paint. ・Frequency response: 18 Hz to 24 kHz
(-3db) ・Sensitivity: 7dB/W/m at 8 Ohms (5.4 Ohms
minimum). ・The driver compliment: 1-inch cloth dome
tweeter a pair of 6-inch polypropylene double magnet
midrange drivers a pair of 6-inch Carbon Fiber double magnet midbass
drivers in an isobaric configuration four 12-inch compound-loaded
drivers that are individually housed. ・Dimensions: 15 x 24 x 59
(WxDxH in inches) ・Weighs: 375lbs.
1/2 [World] Oracle Audio Technologiesから、「CD 1500 MK
III」CDプレーヤー登場。 CES
1/2 [World] Berkeley Audioから、「Outboard USB
adaptor」登場予定。 2010年中に発表予定。
2010/1/1 [avcat] あけましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。

12/27 [World] Rockport
12/27 [World] YG
Acoustics、新スピーカー「Carmel」をCES2010にて正式発表。 既にインターナショナルオーディオショウにて発表済み。 予価:$18,000 YG Acoustics is
proud to announce the arrival of its newest model – the Carmel! In times when
competitors boast “manufacturing efficiency” which allows an
all-aluminum speaker to be manufactured for under $60K, YG
Acoustics makes it all seem like “yesterday’s news” by offering
superior technology for one third of the price. YG Acoustics has been
producing fully machined all-aluminum speakers for nearly 8 years now.
Currently 4 model configurations sell for less than $40K. At $18k, the new
Carmel not only boasts a fully-CNC-machined
all-aircraft-aluminum enclosure, but also offers technological
features that the competition cannot, even in their much more
expensive models. The Carmel not only represents the current industry
standard of machining efficiency but provides the benchmark for sound
quality, that YG Acoustics is famous for, in a new price
category. These include 4-axis milling technology (the
competition is limited to 3 axes), precision-CNC-ground and
hardened enclosure panels, and double the machining accuracy (YG
Acoustics’ tolerance is +/-0.0008”, the best competitor’s only
12/26 [World] finite
elementeから、新CERABASE(3モデル)登場! CERABASE
B&W B&W800シリーズ向け CERABASE
compact CERABASE slimline メーカーpdf(ドイツ語)
12/22 [World] Moon Audioから、3セット限定最高$2,000,000のスピーカー「Signature
Titan」登場! The Signature Titan Speaker: number
#001: $2,000,000 for a pair *既に売約済 number #002: $1,000,000 for a
pair number #003: $500,000 for a pair ・ The MoonAudio TITAN is a
state of the art audio transducer system designed to outperform any
other speaker system currently made in the world today. ・ Unique to
the audio world is that it will be a strictly limited edition run of only
3 pairs with each pair hand-signed by the designer. Each pair will
also be named after its buyer and once the third pair is built – no
more will be constructed. ・MoonAudio guarantee support for the Titan
for 10 years from its purchase date. ・ Each unit is hand-crafted using
the world’s best materials, parts and drivers and manufactured
in the USA. ・ The pair of speakers will weigh over one ton due to
their proprietary construction design engineered to remove
virtually all vibration from the cabinet and system. ・ Auto-room tune
calibration is built into the speaker so it can tune itself for the
room. [Specifications] ・Frequency
response: 15Hz-90kHz ・Impedance: 8ohms ・Efficiency: 96dB ・Bi-wire
and Bi-amp ・Weight:1270kg(pair) ・Size: 183 cm x 47 cm x 81 cm (hxwxd).
12/22 [Japan] WilsonAudio、新国内価格発表。 Axissの新価格は以下の通りです。 ・Alexandria
X-2 Series
2 スタンダードカラー 20,000,000円(税別/ペア) Wilsonスペシャルカラー 20,500,000円(税別/ペア) ・MAXX
3 スタンダードカラー 8,500,000円(税別/ペア) Wilsonスペシャルカラー
8,900,000円(税別/ペア) ・Sasha
W/P スタンダードカラー
3,300,000円(税別/ペア) Wilsonスペシャルカラー
3,450,000円(税別/ペア) ・Sophia
2 スタンダードカラー
2,100,000円(税別/ペア) Wilsonスペシャルカラー
2,200,000円(税別/ペア) ・Duette スタンダードカラー
1,680,000円(税別/ペア) Wilsonスペシャルカラー
1,750,000円(税別/ペア) スタンド
320,000円(税別/ペア) *スタンダードカラー:Diamnond Black, Dark Titanium, Desert
Silver, Argento
Silver *注文時に、本体カラー、グリルカラー、ハードウエアーカラーの指定が必要 *納期、約40日
12/21 [World] Magico、新スピーカー「Q5」はベリリウムツィーターMBe-1を搭載。 Magico
Q5 リリース資料
12/21 [Japan] WilsonAudio、新代理店はAxiss(アクシス)に。2010年1月1日から。
12/20 [World] LINN
Records、最新アルバムからトラックを無料でダウンロードできるクリスマスキャンペー ンを実施中。 http://www.linnrecords.com/linn-promotion.aspx
12/18 [World] B&Wから、「800 Diamond
Series」登場!! (*以下、原文が英語ではないため、翻訳エンジンを使っている関係上、誤報等あったらごめんなさい。) ・正式名称は、「800D」から、「800
Diamond」へ。 「S」モデルがディスコンとなり、すべてダイヤモンドユニット搭載となるため、この名称に変更。 ・ツィーターとミッドレンジユニットは完全に新設計。 マグネット回路からチューブ技術まで部分的に変更を加えている。 ・ウーハーユニットはマグネット回路が変更。 よりパワフルな低音が非常に簡単に出力できることに焦点が当てられている。 特に低音の解像力は、以前のモデルとは比較にならないほど改善されている。 ・エンクロージャの外観に大きな変更はないが、内部設計が完全に変更。 ・ウーハー等をマウントしているネジをより美しいものに変更。 ・グリルは磁石にて脱着する方式に変更。 ・この他にも多くの変更あり。 ・805・804は、初のダイヤモンドツィーター搭載となるため、クロスオーバー回路の設計や内部 構造が大幅に変更に。 ・最初のリリースは、アメリカ・イギリス・ヨーロッパにて行われ、アジアでは日本、韓国、台湾 だけが先に発売予定。 これは、ハンドメイドのため製品の製作に時間がかかり、安定的な供給体制を考慮しての こと。最初は多くの注文が寄せられることが想定されるため納期に時間がかかる見込み。 初期ロットの購入を希望の場合は早期予約が必要。 ・B&Wからの正式リリースはCES2010にて800Diamondを発表した後に行われる。
12/17 [World] B&W、いよいよ新800シリーズを発表へ!!全モデルダイヤモンドユニット搭載! 2010年第2四半期に発売。 既に沢山の噂がでておりますが、いよいよ発表されます。 ・B&W
are replacing the 800 series. ・All the new models will feature the
diamond treble unit that was previously only available on the
most expensive models. ・The news range will be launched in the second
quarter of 2010.
以下は噂ですが・・・。 ・新シリーズはSignature
DiamondやSignature 800 seriesのようなラッカー仕上げ。 ・Gloss black
finishが登場。 ・ミッドレンジドライバーにいくつかの変更。(Dual
configurationのようなより強力なマグネット仕様) ・キャビネットにデザイン的変更はなし。(Cabinets (this
time made in UK) stays
unchanged.) ・その他内部的変更あり。 ・予想価格:USリテール 800 $24,000 /
802 $15,000 / pair 803 $10,000 / pair 804
$7,500 / pair 805 $5,000 / pair HTM2 $5,000
each HTM4 $2,750 each
>>>>2009年10月~12月 へ